Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Today I saw the brains of a 4, 3 and 1 year old put to work. I haven't been the most fun parent since I broke my tailbone and the weather hasn't been all that wonderful the last few days. Corbin, Gabe and levi have been pretty bored. This morning they started out the day playing with their nerf guns, shotting each other. Gabe came to me every few seconds and needed me to "pull the gun back please" and then he would say, "I said please so you have to do it." Levi walked around with a gun trying to make a "BANG" noise pretending to shot. After a while that got boring so they all found a platic tote that would fit on their head and face and stood on different sides o the room and charged at each other banging heads. They laughed and laughed. It looked pretty painful, but then again, they are kids. Some times I miss the thrill of being little and figuring out life and things. Oh to be a little boy.

1 comment:

  1. How fun for the boys! I miss having such an imagination!
